Watch Out – There’s a New Apple iPhone 12 Phishing Scam!

I daresay that many of you reading this are more than a little familiar with some of the scams used on the internet. It seems, however, that the most recent one is looking to tap into the hype surrounding the upcoming Apple iPhone 12 and, specifically, ‘offering’ people the opportunity to access a trial version of the new smartphone for ‘free’.
Sounds too good to be true?… Yeah, that’s because it is!
Apple iPhone 12 Phishing Scam
So, how does this scam work? Well, coming in a report via TechRadar, prospective victims are first contacted by text message advising/congratulating them that a ‘trial’ version of an iPhone 12 is on the way. It does, however, list an address (presumably picked at random) that almost certainly is incorrect. Fret ye not though, if it is incorrect, there’s a handy link given in the message where you can visit their website to update your details.
The scam progresses from here down two separate paths. Firstly, it asks you to confirm all of your details (which they, of course, do not yet have) and then asks you to enter your bank card details so a £1-£2 admin payment can be made for the ‘alteration’ of the shipping address.

Phishing – What is It?
If you’ve never heard of phishing scams before, it’s basically where, through false representation, they get you to voluntarily give away your personal and private information. You may have seen this before through fake e-mails purported coming from Netflix, Amazon, or PayPal saying that your account has been hacked and you need to ‘confirm’ your account details. – So, in a nutshell, this particular scam tempts (baits) you with an iPhone 12, and then attempts to trick you into freely giving away your personal and banking details! This is how ‘phishing’ scams work!
Put simply though, if you get this text message, I’m sorry to say you’re not special or amazingly lucky. You’re simply the next intended victim of scumbag scammers! – So, just delete it and move on. There’s only one way you’ll be getting an Apple iPhone 12 and it probably ain’t going to be cheap!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!