Whats Worse Than Aliens and Predators? Welcome The Judge
When the two iconic worlds of Aliens and Predators first joined up in the Alien Vs Predator movies, people were worried about how two complete series could keep to their roots. Sufficed to say the series worked and fans were overjoyed as mankind ran in fear from two of the greatest hunters in the universe. How else could mankind fight back then with their own hunters, a judge by the name of Judge Dredd!
Revealed as part of their Comic-Con panel, writer John Layman and artist Chris Mooneyham will bring their worlds together in Predator vs Judge Dredd vs Aliens. With the famous Judge and his partner Anderson hunting down a rogue scientist you can expect the law to be ready, that is until the scientist starts looking to create his own breed of xenomorphs, an action that will gather the attention of a Predator, looking to hunt both Judge and Xenomorph alike.
When asked why he believed the Xenomorph and Predators work so well together in mash-up stories, Layman replied saying that:
“They are modern monsters, kinda the 21st Century equivalent of story of vampires and werewolves. They are vehicles to tell different types of stories, and I don’t think the story possibilities will ever be exhausted, any more than stories of vampires are. There’s always a fresh take to be found. In the case of this story, I’m just shooting for crazy fun and adrenaline-fuelled escapism madness.”
With the first of four issues coming on July 27th, we’ve got a while to wait to see how this fight ends.