Wii U updates eating away storage space
Thanks to the massive day 1 update, Nintendo Wii U owners have to give up 302MB space. With the titles using between 30MB to 100MB, signs are showing up that 8GB of storage space on Wii U is simply not enough for long term.
The actual usable storage space stays about 3GB on the 8GB units. If the updates are on a regular basis and the space is slowly being eaten away+ downloading/installing their favourite titles, unless they want to prioritise their favourite game, they have no choice but to use external USB storage device. But looking at the size of the updates and the actual remaining space, its obvious that 8 GB just doesn’t cut it and would be a pain for a lot of users.
On a personal note, Nintendo should have atleast given a 32gig of internal storage space as a bare minimum.
Source: Fudzilla