Windows 7 & 8 Keys No Longer Activate Modern Versions of Windows

Microsoft previously offered a free upgrade offer to Windows 10 which ended back in 2016 however, users with old Windows 7 or 8 keys could get themselves onto Windows 10 using the free installation path upgrades until now when that all will change.
Windows 7 & 8 Key Activations Ended
Microsoft has announced in an update on the device partner center that “Microsoft’s free upgrade offer for Windows 10 / 11 ended July 29, 2016. The installation path to obtain the Windows 7 / 8 free upgrade is now removed as well. Upgrades to Windows 11 from Windows 10 are still free.”
This means that those with old Windows keys will no longer be able to use them to activate a new version of Windows 10 or 11 meaning these keys will soon become useless. This of course does not apply to already used keys and users who have activated 10 or 11 from a 7 or 8 key can continue to live life as normal.

Are you still holding on to any old Windows keys? Let us know in the comments!