Windows 8 is around the corner
Just a few days ago, Microsoft revealed their plans to make Windows 8 boot faster and it seems that Microsoft is preparing to present their new upcoming OS.
Said to be a their Build developer conference in Anaheim, California this week, Microsoft stated their wish for an accessible OS whether the user is on a tablet or a desktop.
Now, I’ll be frank with you, I didn’t like the touch screen feature, specially for a desktop with keyboard and mouse, so I wasn’t sure that Windows 8 would be for me, but after reading a bit more, I’ve seen that Microsoft has thought about it with the ability to have both a touch-friendly interface, as well as the “old school” desktop which will probably look a lot like Windows 7.
Another of Microsoft’s aim is more diversity by letting a wide range of companies come in for attention from the press and developers, unlike last time which was more of an Intel show. The computer giant had also stated in CES in January that Windows 8 will run on ARM-based processors from Texas Instruments, Qualcomm and nVidia as well as the traditional x86-based ships from Intel and AMD.
I really hope that this new OS will be a hit like its predecessor, Windows 7, and not a miss like it’s “ancestor”, Windows Vista…Okay it wasn’t all that bad, but it had its major flaws.
Developer preview is available to download