Windows 8 planned for an October release
According to sources, Microsoft is planning on releasing the next edition of its operating system in October.
Obviously this news comes from somebody with access to the schedule, but the source itself decided to remain hidden due to the confidentiality of the plans.
When released, the OS will support both ARM and Intel processor technologies, with five ARM devices set to be supported, and over 40 Intel machines. More support is set to come later.
Microsoft has planned it all, with a perfect timing, Windows 8 will be released just in time for the system builders to target new systems for end of year computer sales. The company isn’t stopping at computers, but it’s going for Apple’s iPad as well, as Windows 8 will be available for companies to release the next tablet computers equipped with this OS.
Bloomberg added:
“Microsoft will host an event for its industry partners in early April, the people said. The company will spell out its release strategy for Windows 8, giving more details on timing and marketing, they said. There will be fewer ARM-based devices in the rollout because Microsoft has tightly controlled the number and set rigorous quality-control standards, said one of the people. The new version of Windows will be the first to use ARM processors, which are most commonly found in smartphones. Windows 7, the current version, only works with Intel’s technology. Three of the Windows 8 ARM devices will be tablets, the people said.”
Source: Kitguru