Windows 9 Start Menu To Have Full-Screen Option

We’ve heard that Microsoft’s Windows 9 OS will have two different versions: the first is centered around the desktop with no modern UI and the second is centered around the modern UI with no desktop. The first OS will be aimed at desktop and notebook users, the second at tablet and touch-device users. According to a new rumour that is circulating the desktop version of Windows 9 might still retain the start screen, but it won’t be as “offensively” implemented as before. The full start screen could be accessed when using the start menu in full screen mode, that gives desktop users the choice of whether they want to use the start menu normally: like they would on Windows 7, or whether they would like to use it in a Windows 8-style way. Expect more details about Windows 9 to emerge as we edge closer to the expected Preview reveal date of September 30th.
Source: Softpedia
Image courtesy of Microsoft
The more I see this picture The More I think I am going to stay with windows 7
The more I see this picture The More I think I am going to stay with windows 7