WordPress Enables Free HTTPS Connections to Custom Domains
WordPress is a free, open source content management system, typically used for blogs and quick makeshift websites. While it’s nice to have your own content, you want to make sure that its safe and secure, something which the “Lets Encrypt” project hopes to improve upon, a project that WordPress have now joined.
The Lets Encrypt Project announced on March 9th that it would soon take on a new name as it transitioned to its new home at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) a group specialising in the law, security and technology.
Wordpress has now announced that it has joined the program, offering the green lock symbol everyone loves to see when travelling through the internet, with any custom domains (those that don’t have .wordpress.com in their address) now gaining the benefits of the free SSL certificate issues by the program automatically with little to no effort on their owners behalf. You can find the steps to give your website access to HTTPS certificates here, giving everyone the benefit of free and reinforced security for their websites.
Not only is it free but you get a more secure connection for minimal effort, something that has been hard to do for website up until now. What is not to like about this program? Especially those with Wordpress blogs.