From Words to Beats with Typedrummer
Syllables have always been the building blocks of our words, sentences, languages. So what do you get when you change those letters, words and sentences into drum hits?
Typedrummer it’s a website which changes letters, words and sentences into drum rhythms, if music has never been a strong point, this could get you on your way.
Created by Kyle Stetz a developer at P’unk Avenue Typedrummer maps drum samples to the letter keys on your keyboard, numbers, symbols etc. don’t work, spaces act as rests.
You can get a nice rhythm going with careful spacing and letter placement. Sentences aren’t of much use as they create a chaotic mess. Gibberish, stuttering and slang creates workable rhythms, the less sense you make, the better it sounds, can share your beats with friends via the “share this beat” option.
There’s one downside, the tempo’s constant, though that can be fixed via audio editing software. If you’re a producer looking for a new way to get creative or someone with a bit of free time on your hands, this one’s for you, your next sentence could be your next a hit.
Thank you Typedrummer for providing us with this information.
Guess where this pause screen beat is from: pdpdpdddqdqdqddd