World Of Warcraft To Add Larger Character Options
World of Warcraft Adds Larger Character Options
When I finally quit World of Warcraft in 2013, it was because of a lack of larger character models. Ok, no, it wasn’t. I quit because after 6 years I’d had enough. It isn’t, however, unfair to say that for many years the WoW character build models have been somewhat exhausted. In addition, it seems that many feel that the lack of larger people (can I say fatter?) is lacking.
Blizzard has, therefore, announced plans to introduce the option to make your new characters slightly portly.
A question of updates
As above, despite the efforts Blizzard has put into the game, it has never really provided some kinda crazy mad depth to the character build screens. Usually, in an RPG, my wife can spend anything up to an hour in the character creation screen. Admittedly she then plays about 30 minutes of the game and usually quits, but you get the idea. In World of Warcraft, however, when she makes a new character (of which she has many) the process usually never takes any longer than a minute or so.
These days in WoW, the difficulty in a new character creation is not so much in the design, but in finding a half-decent username that hasn’t already been allocated. I even actually once came across a player who had almost the exact same look and equipment of my character. It was uncanny and as such it’s no surprise to hear that Blizzard is thinking of some expansions in this area.
When can we expect this?
Hard to say at present, but I’d say that this option will likely be nailed down with or just before the new expansion pack. While I’m not certain that this will be enough to save World of Warcraft, it will at least allow a little more diversity within the character design in the game and, dare I say, allow a little more accuracy to the those attempting to emulate their accurate online meme.
What do you think? A good or pointless addition? – Let us know in the comments!