‘Worlds Rarest’ Video Game on eBay for $90,000

Worlds Rarest Video Game
There are many video game releases that could likely put in some claim as being the ‘worlds rarest’. Just off the top of my head, Stadium Events, boxed and sealed Earthbound’s and the gold ‘Nintendo World Championship’ cartridges certainly come to mind. Following a listing on eBay, however, a new contender has entered the ring.
Yes, for the price of just $90,000, you can have your very own copy of Extra Terrestials. A game that the poster claims is the “worlds rarest” video game ever made.

Is It Rare?
The game itself is undoubtedly a rare thing to have in such a good condition. Releasing in 1984 (one year after the video game crash) it was undoubtedly one of the very last games officially released for the Atari 2600.
It is, perhaps, somewhat ironic that it was a knock-off based on the actual game that was the straw that broke the gaming camels back. I am, of course, talking about the infamous ET.
What Do We Think?
As something of an enthusiastic (but amateur) gaming historian I can say that while I had heard of this game, I wasn’t under the impression that it held any particularly stakes in the ‘rarity’ market. As such, whether $90,000 is a true value or just an optimistic punt is unclear.
Considering that Nintendo World Championship cartridges can sell for over $100,000, the price may not be entirely ridiculous. I do, however, suspect that it might be.
If you plan to buy this game, you can check out the official eBay listing via the link here!