WoW Adventure Game Lord of the Clans Leaked After 18 Years!
World of Warcraft is big business, and while there have been many expansions to the original game, there have been fewer spinoffs. One such spinoff was the cancelled adventure game Lord of the Clans, which was canned when it was near completion back in 1998. Now it seems after all these years, the game has found its way online via a mysterious Russian forum poster.
The cartoon-like adventure game looks familiar to anyone who played the popular point-and-click adventure games of the time, but Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans went out of development just a few months before going gold in 1998, left to never be played again, or so we thought. The only thing we’ve had until now are leaked videos from the game, from years ago, but that’s about it.
A recent post on the Scrolls of Lord Forum has uploaded the entire game, which seems to be complete with cinematics, music and pretty much finished, although we suspect it’s a little unpolished given it was cut short from going gold. Blizzard are not going to be happy about this, and the game being leaked, even in an unfinished form like this is pretty illegal, so expect DMCA police to be all over this pretty swiftly.
“After 18 years of waiting, project Warcraft Adventures cancelled Blizzard in 1998 year, finally released!
This is full pre-released version witn in-game cinematics + interest txt docs.
This is my gift for all Blizzard fans, old and new.
You can check out the original forum post here.
Well, if anything, this and the later WoW are spin-offs from the original strategy games. 🙂
Lord of the Clans was supposed to tell the story between Warcraft 2&3 and establish Thrall. I remember people being upset about its cancellation despite some nice screen shots and I think entire dialogue scenes being leaked.
I did a video of it here: