Xbox 360 Update Brings Mass Storage Support and More
A new firmware update for Xbox 360 introduces support for external hard drives of up to 2TB in size. Despite the current-gen Xbox One hogging all the limelight of late, Microsoft is making great efforts to make 360 owners feel valued, and to help future-proof the console by letting gamers bypass the limited on-board storage – or the 23GB flash drives the previous firmware supported – in order to download a healthy amount of digital games.
That’s not all the update brings, though. Here’s the full list of changes, courtesy of Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb, Director of Programming for Xbox Live:
Larger external USB hard drives – Plug in any external USB hard drive up to 2 TB to store your Xbox 360 downloads, profile, saved games, and other data.
Purchase history – To view your recent purchases, go to Settings > Account >Purchase History.
Password reset – You can now reset your password by selecting Forgot your password? at sign-in.
Network statistics – View download speed, upload speed, and signal strength, go to Settings> System > Network Settings. Select your network, and then choose Network Statistics.
See your money – Your Microsoft account balance now appears in the top-right corner of the Xbox Dashboard. To turn it off, go to Settings > Profile > Account Security.
Hryb is also soliciting feedback from the Xbox community, with the team eager to refine the console’s options and interface further before it is put out to pasture.
Thank you Engadget for providing us with this information.
Image courtesy of Major Nelson.