You Can Now Learn Klingon Online
Have you ever been asked “Dargh DaneH’a’?” and not known how to respond? Well, help is here, as free language-learning resource Duolingo is now offering online courses teaching Klingon.
For those who thought that Star Trek’s warrior race only expelled guttural disemboguements, Klingon is a genuine language, developed by linguist Marc Okrand during the making of 1984’s Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.
Duolingo is offering courses in the language as part of its crowdsourced Language Incubator program, rather than its core Duolingo framework, and is available on all platforms, from online to apps on iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. The Language Incubator invites the community to teach and learn languages, so if you jIyaj, Duolingo could use your help.
By the way, is someone asks you “Dargh DaneH’a’?”, my answer is always “yes, please!”
Source: Engadget