YouTuber Pits 30,000 Jedi VS 3,000 T-Rex’s
30,000 Jedi VS 3,000 T-Rex’s
There are some things in life that come with the question, why? For example, people who put mayonnaise on toast… why?! There are, however, sometimes much more complicated things that surprisingly come with the answer, why not? When looking at the Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator though, most things definitely fall into this latter category.
The battle simulator effectively allows people to ‘sandbox’ the wildest of battles possible. The only limit is your imagination. Oh, and perhaps a little bit of 3D modelling and coding skill to add things you want that are not included. In the latest video though, YouTuber SergiuHellDragoonHQ has decided to pit 3,000 T-Rex’s VS 20,000 Jedi. Why?… Why not!
How Goes The Battle
I won’t spoil the result for you. Instead, I have copied the full 24-minute battle in for you below to get an idea. In truth though, up until about the 18-minute point, it’s a little unclear exactly who will win this. Then the grim realisation dawns and you’re left to simply watch the remainder get mopped up. Remember, no spoilers, just watch the video!
Return Of The Jedi?
Ok, so at this point, there will be spoilers. Yes, despite them being massively outnumbered, it seems that the T-Rex’s have the edge in this epic encounter. The Jedi were wiped out harder than when Chancellor Palpatine came after them. I do, however, love videos like this and if you are interested in the software you can check it out via the Steam Store Page in the link here!
What do you think? Surprised at the result? – Let us know in the comments!