Zelda OoT UE4 Fan Remake Releases Stunning Update

First coming to our attention in late 2018, we’ve been keeping a close eye on the fan-made Zelda: Oracina of Time remake. Created by CryZENx, the project has made tremendous strides since it’s original reveal and, following the release of the latest demo version, there are no other words for it, it looks absolutely stunning!

Zelda Ocarina of Time Fan Remake
Utilizing Unreal Engine 4, the game represents one of the best fan projects we have ever seen. And we’re not just saying that for the sake of hyperbole either. This honestly looks good enough that you’d almost suspect Nintendo themselves were working on it. More on them later by the way…
If you are, therefore, impressed with what you see here (and the video below) then the news gets better. By simply joining CryZENx’s Discord channel, you can download this latest version to try out for yourself! Just note that this is a demo and it ends (roughly speaking) after you meet Zelda and enter the Temple of Time.
You can, incidentally, check that out that Discord channel via the link here!
What Do We Think?
The latest version is massively impressive and CryZENx’s efforts get’s two huge thumbs up from us. There is, however, something of a pretty significant elephant in the room, and it takes the form of a very angry looking red plumber. Yes, Nintendo is probably not too happy about this remake, but (at least as far as we can tell) they haven’t shut it down yet. Maybe even they are mildly impressed with it.
It does, however, and again, show the potential of what could happen if Nintendo did ever turn their attention towards the PC market. We’re not greedy either! Just throw a Zelda game in our direction and we’ll be happy!
I will, however, leave it to an amazingly funny comment on the video (that genuinely make me laugh out loud) to round this off!