Konami Refutes Claims About Leaving AAA Consoles Behind
French site, Gameblog recently made a stark revelation regarding Konami’s future and close sources said the publisher would cease AAA console development apart from the PES franchise. However, these claims have been dismissed by Su-Yina Farmer, Konami Europe’s marketing manager and proclaimed:
“I hope re-purposing speculation and rumour as news isn’t the new standard.”
“I can promise you that we’re definitely not leaving Metal Gear behind or anything like that. I know some blogs were claiming that online this morning, but I’m not really sure where they’d be getting that from.”
“We’re still definitely working on console games and franchises such as Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Castlevania, PES and all the rest.”
I’m pleased to see some clarification regarding this issue which reassures fans about the future of many beloved and long-running titles. Konami’s reputation is abysmal at the moment due to the Hideo Kojima controversy and Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 PC launch. The only way to reverse this is through enriching games and unique experiences. Hopefully, this marks the end of unsubstantiated rumours revolving the company’s business model. Although, Konami should have been more transparent in the first place.
It’s interesting to see Konami mention, “and all the rest” and I’m struggling to think of any other lucrative franchises apart from Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Castlevania and PES. Perhaps, there’s a new IP coming and that would be a rather interesting move.
Thank you ThrowingDigitalSheep for providing us with this information.