Google Chromecast Receives Support for Pirated Movies through Popcorn-Time
The beta software program dedicated to provide ‘free’ movies, Popcorn-Time, has apparently announced that its software is now Chromecast-compatible for Windows users, having stated that a Chromecast version update is also being worked on for Mac users.
The cheap Chromecast device is Google’s product that allows users to send video from the Chrome browser or Netflix/Youtube service to your TV. Having Google’s announcements of pending updates for the Chromecast device last month, which includes the ability to mirror anything on an Android device to a TV, it makes sense for audio and video software makers to target such devices.
However, Popcorn-Time is an open-source project launched this year. gaining popularity through its easy-to-use interface and free content available. The content itself is basically a collection of video torrent links, which apparently stream the selected movie or video directly onto your device. It is currently compatible with Windows, Mac and Android devices.
Google appears to have not responded immediately to the given news, but its action to take down the Popcorn Time android version from the Google Store within 24h of its launch can only mean that the company will not be thrilled with something like this either.
Thank you CNN for providing us with this information