Chinese Man Successfully Installs Working Windows 98 OS onto iPhone 6 Plus
Ah – the old and familiar 90’s Window boot up sound has just trickled through your eardrum. But wait – what’s this? Windows 98 running on an iPhone!? Blasphemy!
That’s right ladies and gentlemen – a Chinese man who goes under the forum alias of ‘xyq058775‘ has just successfully installed a functional Windows 98 onto an iPhone 6 Plus. It’s awesome, it’s crazy – and we love it.
The man posted a set of images accompanied by short descriptions of the process and problems installing and running the operating system on the iPhone 6 Plus. Running EXE binary files is currently out of the question on the Apple device, but he was successfully able to alter and change the input methods of Windows 98 to allow navigation of the operating system, as well as the ability to open the start menu and fire up Internet Explorer. It’s an awesome feat – and is one that seems to have been accomplished through what we’re guessing is DoSBox – a program used to emulate x86 platforms and games.
Be sure to checkout the forum post by xyq058775, available for reading here.
Thanks to for providing us with this information.
I was about to say, there are not x86 processors inside iphones.
Thats all very nice but only he knows how useful that would be, now lets see him getting iOS “whatever number they’re on now” working on a 80286.
Windows is better than IOS.