Mediabridge Banned From Amazon After Threatening Customer Over A Bad Review
Earlier this week it was reported that Mediabridge sent in the lawyers and threatened an Amazon customer for posting a negative review of their product, this is obviously a very stupid thing for them to do, you can’t go around threatening your customers just because they don’t like the product. Amazon has gotten wind of the story and come down like a hammer on Mediabridge, banning them from selling any of its products through the retail giants website, ouch.
When the user in question posted on Reddit that Mediabridge had sent him legal threats, the community had his back and its likely this uproar that caught Amazons attention. Mediabridge is said to have addressed the issue on Facebook, but the post has since been deleted, meaning the company has no official statement available to the public.
Of course, this is the internet, so here is the statement they have since deleted / retracted;
“Unfortunately, as a result of our attempt to get this reviewer to do the right thing & remove his untrue statements about our company, Amazon has revoked our selling privileges. Many hard-working employees whose livelihood depended on that business will likely be put out of a job, by a situation that has been distorted & blown out of proportion.”
There is clearly a lesson to be learnt here, there are better ways of handling your customers than threatening them. Mediabridge could have reached out to Amazon and asked for it to be removed, or even contacted the buyer to address his concerns, but unfortunately for both Mediabridge and the buyer, the damage is already done.
Thank you Tweaktown for providing us with this information.
Image courtesy of Tweaktown.
I dont suppose we can see what the customers review of the product says…
we need the customers feedback to see both sides of the story , Obviously a bad PR exercise if Amazon acted that quickly, a situation acted upon by an overly aggressive company unless comment was slanderous
I may not like the way the thing smells :p and have a right to say so.
Mediabridge could have reached out to Amazon and asked for it to be removed, or even contacted the buyer to address his concerns, but unfortunately for both Mediabridge and the buyer, the damage is already done.