Arctic Cooling Freezer 13 CPU Cooler Review
[COLOR=#000000]In every test the older Freezer64 beats the Freezer13 on temperature. However, the numbers don’t tell the whole story as the Freezer64 pushes 45CFM @0.8Sone against the Freezer13’s 36CFM @0.5Sone. The Freezer13 is quieter both on paper and in the real world and the tone of the noise is much less interfering. The gap between the two does seem to close as the number of cores and the speed increase indicating the Freezer13 has a greater cooling capacity. Overall though the temperatures are so close that given a variation of just ±1°C the two are very closely matched.[/COLOR] [TABLE][TR][TD]CPU Configuration
[/TD][TD]FR64 Idle
[/TD][TD]FR13 Idle
[/TD][TD]FR64 Load
[/TD][TD]FR13 Load
[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]x2 @3100
[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]x2 @3600
[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]x4 @3100
[/TD][/TR][TR][TD]x4 @3400