Argentinian President Wants Explanations From The USA Over Spying Scandal
Argentinian president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, is well known for her rather vocal stance against big Western nations like the UK and the USA. On the back of recent revelations that the NSA actively spied on all Latin American nations the Argentinian president is demanding full clarification from the USA over the reports.
The reports stated that the USA was using telephone and internet espionage against Latin American countries, including Argentina. Brazilian authorities have recently made similar statements and are stepping up to find the root sources of NSA spying and shut them down. The Argentinian president called for other Latin American and South American partners to unite in their request for a full clarification from the USA.
Peru, Ecuador, Columbia and Mexico have already responded and stated that the NSA spying situation is unacceptable. At the Mercosur summit on July 12th the Argentinian president and other heads of states will join together to make a joint statement.
With much more information still to be published by Edward Snowden we are wondering just how much more political turmoil there still is left to run. The NSA has already single-handedly cheesed off just about every nation in the world as well as its own people.
Image courtesy of AFB/GETTY IMAGES
Every nation is expressing shock & horror over the NSA yet they’re probably all just as guilty as them. Unfortunately the NSA were stupid enough to be caught with their hand in the cookie jar.