Halo Music And Menus Now Available Through Your Browser
For a while now we have been introduced to many games which are called “exclusive”, games which are normally built especially for a single console or series of consoles. The rarity often means that people will flock to those consoles to play these games, and this often means that the games themselves are made in part by the company that owns that console. Examples include the likes of Killzone for Sony’s Playstation (even if Sony do have a legal battle over advertisement) or even the Gears Of War series for Microsoft’s Xbox series (New remastered version available for PC and Xbox). One of the more popular series is Halo, originally built for the PC and Xbox, it has quickly become an exclusive for the Xbox series, with the occasional game for mobiles and tablets. Now thought you can enjoy all of Halo’s main menus (music included) in your web browser.
Halome.nu hopes to scratch that itch you have when you leave your Xbox and TV on just so that you can listen to the soothing music that once welcomed you to the field of battle with the Covenant. With the menus and music from not only Halo 1, 2 and 3 but also ODST (orbital drop shock troop), Reach and Halo 4, its possible to listen to the music for hours on end with a surprisingly calming and relaxing tone.
With series like Halo: Forward Onto Dawn and Nightfall expanding the halo universe from books to movies and series, soon you might hear just a little bit more about Master Chief.