1366×768 now the most used screen resolution, overtakes 1024×768
1366 x 768 pixels overtook 1024 x 768 as the most popular screen resolution worldwide, for computers, according to the latest statistics by StatCount. This new dominant screen resolution is a particularly important statistic for web-developers, as they can now make their designs more optimized for at least 1366 pixels-wide screens. 1920 x 1080 and 1680 x 1050 hold less than 5% of the market-share each. The growth of 1366 x 768 could have been propelled by dominance in the notebook market (across almost all market-segments), and entry-level PC monitor market.
A major milestone in screen resolution sizes has been passed according to independent web analytics company, StatCounter. The company’s research arm, StatCounter Global Stats reports that for the first time 1366×768 has become the most popular screen resolution worldwide, having overtaken 1024×768.
“The data reflects a continuing trend of users moving to larger screen resolution sizes,” commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. “The screen resolution size people are using is a critical factor for developers when it comes to web design, particularly in the case of fixed width web pages.”
Since StatCounter began its tracking of screen resolution in March 2009, as a free service to developers and other users, 1024×768 has been the dominant screen size globally on the web (excluding mobile*). 1024×768 has fallen from 41.8% in March 2009 to 18.6% in March 2012. Over the same period 1366×768 has grown from 0.68% to 19.28%.The third most popular size is 1280×800 at 13%.
Source: Statcounter.com