Huawei Is Found Out (Again) Of Faking Camera Pictures

Huawei Found Faking Camera Pictures For P30 Pro
When you’re releasing a phone when there’s a particular emphasis on the camera quality, it isn’t unusual for the company to release a number of photographs reportedly showing just how good it is. I mean, it makes sense right?
Well, unfortunately, it seems that you can’t always believe everything you see and in a report via The Verge, Huawei has been found (not for the first time) faking images they claim to have been taken on the upcoming P30 Pro smartphone.
It’s A Faaaaaaaake! (10 Points If you Get the Reference)
In official advertising images releases, Huawei has shown what is reportedly a picture taken with the camera of an erupting volcano. It didn’t take the internet long, however, to discover that this image has been around for quite a while. Additionally, it didn’t take too much digging to see it was actually taken with a DSLR camera.
In other words, they took a ‘public’ image and edited it to make it appear like it was taken on their P30 Pro.

Naughty Naughty!
As above, the worst part is that this isn’t even the first time that Huawei has tried pulling this trick. For example, lack August they were found doing exactly the same thing with the Nova 3.
So, the moral of the story is, if you’re thinking of getting a P30 Pro based purely off the camera specs, take their advertising with more than a little pinch of salt!
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