ITV Pull Shows From Netflix Amid Rumours Of UK Based Service
ITV Pull Shows From Netflix Amid Rumours Of UK Based Service
For a significant period now many TV channels have used Netflix as a means of distributing their programs online. For a time, it seemed that Netflix was going to be the dominant force in streaming packages and certainly, to a degree, they are. We have, however, started to see more and more channels break away and in some instances, they have even launched their own service.
In a report via the Mirror, ITV has begun pulling its more popular shows from the streaming service. It is all amid rumours that many of the major UK TV channels might be looking to band together to create their own service.
BBC, ITV and Channel 4
Although the rumours are not confirmed, it has been known for a while that 3 of the UK’s biggest TV channels were looking to strike a combination deal for their own streaming service. When the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 combine, you do not necessarily get Captain Planet, but you could get one of the better streaming services for UK viewers.
Most of these channels already have their own ‘catch-up’ service. They do not, however, have their own subscription-based service. Such a service would perhaps be too much for one of the channels alone. Well, with the possible exception of the BBC. If they were all to combine though, such a service could provide to be very popular.
Will It Happen?
It’s hard to say. ITV has confirmed that they are ‘in talks’ with various groups about setting up the service. Such groups much logically include the BBC and Channel 4 (perhaps even Channel 5). Given that ITV has already taken steps to remove programs from Netflix though, it is perhaps going to happen sooner than we might expect.
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