DirectX 12 Won’t Help the Xbox One According to DICE
DirectX 12, a low-overhead API which has the potential to revolutionize PC gaming and properly utilize consumer’s graphical hardware. On the PC, DirectX 11 often resulted in inconsistent and sub-par frame-rates which required fairly high-end equipment to run on maximum settings. In theory, DirectX 12 could make this a thing of the past and offer significant boosts compared to DirectX 11. As a result, some people have suggested this could help close the gap between the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
Technically, the Xbox One is inferior and struggled to reach 1080p in a number of leading games from Watch Dogs to The Witcher 3. Only recently, the Battlefront Beta supported a maximum resolution of 720p compared to 900p on the PlayStation 4. Alan Kertz from DICE has suggested this won’t be changing anytime soon and said:
While DirectX 12 could bring some gains, they will be relatively small and Microsoft cannot hide from the fact that they opted for weaker hardware. The PlayStation 4 is far from a graphical powerhouse, but it already showing its technical dominance. This doesn’t mean it’s a better console, but third-party games should run better. Phil Spencer is trying to restore customer confidence in the Xbox One but DirectX 12 isn’t the miracle some people are hoping for.