Battlefield 4 Experiencing Washed-Out Textures In AMD’s Mantle
Mantle is reportedly creating washed-out graphics in EA’s Battlefield 4 title. Have you noticed it? No? Well, it’s probably because the elements affected by Mantle are the sky and background props.
WCCF has taken a notice in this matter as well, and as far as anyone can see, it might be a Post Processing issue at hand. It can be fixed easily (although we must assume that testing was made with the Mantle API before launch, to what extent is visible in the images below), though it takes time in figuring out a fix that will not generate other problems afterwards. It is worth pointing out, before everyone goes on talking about its flaws like they are experts in this matter, that the Mantle feature is in its early stages, and it will take some time and tweaking before it will be properly tune to work on all hardware and games.
There aren’t any other issues present, as far as anyone can see, however AMD is apparently aware of the issue and is in process of releasing newer drivers with more fixes and tweaks, eventually support for other AMD graphics cards as well. There is also a possibility that users might be facing other issues with the Mantle API compared to DirectX, however nothing can be fixed with one go, especially nothing this complex. Users are also complaining about crashes on the Star Swarm Demo benchmark, having AMD already working on a fix for that.
All in all, Mantle is still in its early stages and all major fixes are bound to be fixed as soon as it gets out of the Beta stages. Until then, we will just have to wait and get along with whatever issues might occur, as nothing in terms of software is perfect and a lot of work needs to be done before achieving something stable and enjoyable.
Thank you WCCF for providing us with this information
Image courtesy of WCCF