E-Sports to become a Medal Event in Asian Games
The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) has said that it wishes to make E-Sports a medal winning event for the 2022 Asian Games.
Speaking to the BBC the OCA confirmed that “the rapid development and popularity of this new form of sports participation”.
A preliminary ‘trial run’ will be held at the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta, with full implementation to come in 2022.
With E-Sports generating over £400m in revenue last year and prize money in some events approaching nearly £1m it is clear that E-sports is, whether you agree with it as a ‘sport’ or not, a matter which is on the rise and starting to generate real mainstream interest.
It is also pretty clear, given the significance of sponsorship and prize money awarded that this is a ‘sport’ which many people and companies are taking very seriously. What was viewed as strange/fringe in competitive gaming 10 years ago is becoming a reality.
Although there is no set structure in place, one would feel that games such as League of Legends, Dota 2, Fifa 17 and possibly even Counterstrike will feature in some way.
Reports have suggested that by 2020, E-sports will be generating roughly £1b in annual revenue entertaining over 600 million viewers worldwide, particularly in China where the popularity of E-sports is rocketing.
Personally, I’m all over this, and as such I’m off to train as a competitor for League of Legends. All I need now is for those nasty people to stop shouting at me for going middle lane with Darius.