Microsoft Store Slashes Prices On Apps By As Much As 90%
Microsoft Store Slashes Prices On Apps
When Microsoft offered people the opportunity to upgrade to Windows 10 for free, there was an ulterior motive behind it. What? You didn’t think they let us upgrade purely out of the goodness of their hearts, did you?
One of the major factors was boosting the number of people who could gain access to the Microsoft Store. The logic being that the more who can use it, the more sales they’ll make and the more money they will generate. Despite the store having a few unique products though, the bottom line is that it isn’t doing particularly well. At least, not as well as Microsoft hoped.
As such, in a report via Computing, the Store has launched a big sale with significant reductions over a range of applications. If you, therefore, had your eye on an app there for some time, it might be worth checking out again. It’s very likely on sale.
Big discounts, but not on games!
With many applications seeing discount up to 90% off the original price, the time might be right for you to get that useful tool for your system. At this point though you might be wondering what the situation is with games. There are, after all, a number of games for the PC that are exclusively sold in the store. Sea of Thieves and the Forza series being the most notable. Well, it’s not good news I’m afraid.
A quick check shows that games are still at their full (and in my opinion overinflated) price. If you were after that knocked down game I’m afraid you’re out of luck. You can’t have it all though.
What do you think? Surprised at the discounts? Which Microsoft Store application would you like or recommend? – Let us know in the comments!