Over 5000 Hard Drive Platters Used To Decorate an Office Like The Inside of a Disco Ball

As technology grows older its use cases shrink, leaving us with e-waste piling up and causing all sorts of environmental problems. Fortunately, there are ways of recycling tech effectively including creating a retro system with some of the few working parts still available, general recycling and even home decoration as Adam Bultman on Reddit has done with some old hard drives, albeit to a more extreme level.
5000 Hard Drive Platters Cover an Office
Reddit user u/adambultman shared a project involving over 5000 hard drive platters on the r/pics subreddit where they have covered all four walls and the ceiling with the storage disks creating a room with enough reflectivity to make you insane. I genuinely think you could kill someone by shining a laser pointer into the room. Below another image shows the sheer amount of drives used all crammed in the boot of a Prius, which definitely did not enjoy the added weight.
With the mention of a laser pointer, a later photo shows these platters covering a satellite dish effectively creating a DIY death ray where they claim the focal point can reach 700+ degrees °F, (370°C). I’m not sure of Bultman’s goals with all of this but I think world domination might be on the list.
Cancer Concerns?
The comments on the post seem to mostly be ignoring the wackiness of using 5000 HDD platters to cover an entire room and are instead focused on the cobalt alloy layer of HDD platters which are carcinogenic. There is quite a debate about whether Bultman should be concerned about this as some people don’t think there is any problem. I’m just going to assume it will all be fine and a whole lot of panic about nothing.