Cougar expanding Worldwide
Cougar, exclusive brand for high-end quality PC cases, power supplies and cooling fans, has been renown among demanding gamers for some time already. But until 2011 Cougar had only been available in few countries. Now, Cougar has announced that their global expansion with newly founded branch offices in all major territories around the world has been successfully initiated in 2011, effectively catering to gamers’ needs everywhere.
The award winning PC cases, power supplies and cooling fans are not only being appreciated by users, but also won accolades from virtually all major computer magazines and review sites, as well as being awarded design and innovation awards such as the Computex 2010 Award. For 2012, Cougar is already a nominee for the highly acclaimed industry design award Designpreis Deutschland 2012. All this demonstrates, that user orientation and listening to the needs from the enthusiast and gaming community is still a major driver of the entire IT industry and for Cougar in particular.
Cougar has edited an exclusive video with more information and insights into the company’s design and production process as well as giving some sneak previews of upcoming brand new gaming products in 2012.
Source: Press Release