Museum of London Bringing Great Fire of London to Minecraft
When it comes educational games, Minecraft is getting more and more attention as it goes. From the original concept of building the world in blocks to the survival and sculptures that the game now features, Minecraft has come a long way. Now it would seem that they’ve teamed up with the Museum of London to create the city at a time where it was up in smoke and destruction, during the great fire of London.
The new exhibition titled the Great Fire 1666 exhibition, will be released online and is open for all to download and enjoy. According to their press release players won’t just see the city but will be able to “walk down the streets of London, interact with the very people of 1666, combat the flames, and rebuild their own vision of the capital.
Like many games, the player will be able to search for and find audio clips, telling them just what the surrounding area features. Come September when the next stage releases the players will be tasked with not just viewing the city but fighting the fire before finally challenging you to rebuild the city in all of its former glory.
With so many options, what other events and eras would you like to see come alive in Minecraft?
How about also sending all those ancient artworks back to the countries from where they where stolen?
Never going to happen.
Yes I know. No thief returns what he stole. Especially when that keeps making money for him. Not to mention that, if you take all that stolen and are now in British museums, and send them back to their original countries, you’ll end up with many empty buildings.
Same can be said for many nations around the globe, when the UK was the Great British Empire, there was a lot of bad things but that was the past, no one alive today has any claim on those things, these things happened over hundreds of years, hundreds of years ago.
That would be like asking modern day Egyptians to give back shit their ancient ancestors stole from the many civilizations around the Egyptian one, wouldn’t happen, they are now a part of that culture.
Shit happens, i have learned to deal with it, i would suggest you do to. Life is too short.
If you steal it and stays in your hands for a long time, automatically it becomes yours. How convenient.
Im sure every culture and every warmonger and every tyrant and every king or queen or any religiously driven crusade that has ever been anywhere on this shit hole of an insignificant backward planet has thought that, yes.
If you want to be pedantic, you own the idea of democracy back to the Greeks who invented it, are you going to give your democratic rights back to Greece 3000+ years after other nations stole it? No, you are not. Are you going to take the Roman busts and mosaic floors out of the many different museums around the world and give them back to Italy? No. Are you going to demand that the United states gives back all the land it stole from the native Americans that inhabited it before they arrived? No, you are not.
There are more pressing and important issues on this planet than who has what insignificant bit of old tat, like religious extremism, extreme nationalism, extreme stupidity of the vast majority of our species, people who wish you dead for simply not accepting the world they way they say it is, people who would kill you for drawing a picture,
Or in fewer words
Boss mafia : Sorry, this is how the world works. I kill, I rob you, you should accept it.
No you idiot. For fuck sake, were you born with mental defects or something? Never said this is how the world works and you should accept it.
I said there are more important things to be getting bothered by and riled up about, you wanna act all cuntly about some pictures on wall in some dusty old museum, things that have no possible meaning to you or your family, things which have no meaning to any of your ancestors for 500 years, rather than getting riled up about religious extremism, terrorism, murder rates, rape rates, child rape rates, so many other more important things to get annoyed about and you choose to get annoyed about fucking paintings on a wall.
Fuck you, you imbecile.
People who think that those pictures on the wall or some old marbles have no meaning, should return them to idiots who understand the true meaning of those historic artifacts.
Also your argument is the main trick that people use, when they want to downgrade the importance of someone’s opinion, when they have no real arguments against that opinion. They bring into the conversation the biggest problems they can think of, wars, hunger, terrorism, pollution, whatever, and they turn the conversation to a personal attack against the other person. You talk about marbles, but you don’t talk about terrorism. Because every time you are about to talk about ancient artifacts, you have first to do an introduction about your views on important issues that plague mankind.
Insults from you have no value, because you are nobody. You just proved that.
I wrote several paragraphs detailing the flaws in your bullshit, then i deleted them because you obviously value your own opinion and position more highly than anything else, you made that apparent with that straw man you just made of my position.
Amazing the depths people will go to when their argument is based in a fantasy world, you come across as someone who has never know a day of hardship in their lives if the most important thing to you is ancient fucking paintings and sculptures. I hope those problems that you think are less important than paintings come and find you, maybe then you might be less concerned about paintings and more concerned about the safety and well being of people.
But who am i kidding right……
You didn’t deleted your insults from your previous post. Now you add a few more comments about me. You also throw a few curses in the mix. Can you really go even lower than that? You talk about me. If only you could see what person you are.
Oh my goodness, you really are as dense as fiberboard….
So, go back over these comments, go back to my first reply and then scroll down, you will see i started with a simple sentence, to which your replied with a simple statement, but when i elaborated on my opinion of the matter, giving a breakdown as to why there are more important things to be getting upset about, across multiple paragraphs, your replies were dismissive nonsense, designed to be inflammatory, after 2 more of these uterly dismissive statements from you i got annoyed and used a swear word, shock horror an adult uses a swear word!!
I never once claimed to be above anyone, nor do i think i am, in actual fact i am lower than the lowest low, when it comes to the society in which i live, i have no higher education, i was not afforded those opportunities as a child, i am working class man who is concerned with real problems, not problems for rich people and sheltered people, problems like paintings.
You say i am responsible for wars and terrorism, yet you are the one who is getting angry over paintings and art from antiquity, i respect peoples beliefs, i respect peoples rights, however i do not respect people who are more concerned with trying to straw man my position and blame me for the worlds problems, when i am the one making the argument that there are more important things in the world to be getting upset about.
If you think you can dismiss my argument for this by saying that my swearing invalidates my argument, then you have no argument yourself, i know this to be the case already as you have now, no less than 2 times, made a straw man of me and my argument, and the only people to do this are people who are closed minded and can not be swayed.
I never once said that these paintings you are so upset about are not important to someone culturally, i agree, they are, i just think there are more important things to be getting upset about, maybe one day in the future when mankind has put aside its pathetic nature and learned to live in reality rather than fantasy, this will happen, and i am all for this to happen, but right now, no. You do not like the fact that someone would dare question you, you think you are right regardless of anything else and probably have not fully read single one of comments, you are closed minded and you and others like you are the kind of people that would have your country go to war over paintings, kill over paintings, and you want to blame me for the wrongs in the world. Keep telling yourself that, im sure it helps you sleep well at night.
You will never understand. You don’t want to. You think it is wrong even trying, because there are other more serious problems and you have no understanding or respect for cultural or religion beliefs. Or that’s what it seems to me.
Do you never go to see a football game, or a theatrical play, do you never talk about politics with your friends, even debate for little things. Do you never have opinions on small things, desires for small changings in your community. Do you NOT live, because the world’s major problems are still there, unsolved?
People with long long history have a very particular way of looking at ancient art and paintings and stuff. A very specific, “their own” way of life. If you refuse to understood their way of life, their way of thinking, then you just go with bombs full of western democracy in their own country and drop all of them on their heads. Then you expect them to be grateful to you, even when with your intervention, the only thing you managed to do was to destroy the governance center of that country leaving that country at the mercy of factions fighting to take control. Bombs everyday, killings every day, many going to organizations like ISIS to take revenge from you by becoming terrorists.
When you don’t try to understand the others, their culture, religious or their beliefs, you end up blaming the dusty paintings on the wall, because the alternative is to realize that you are to blame.
Repeat the same shit again, i understand cultural importance you incredulous imbecile, just because i see the actual problems this world faces and put those problems before insignificant shit that is not going to fix any of the big problems this world has. Sorry if you can’t get that painting back right this second, but there are 5% of a supposedly peaceful religion that want you or I or anyone else who does not follow their specific line of fantasy, dead. There has been 300 terrorists attacks in the name of this peaceful religion all over the world in the first 6 months of this year alone, are you trying to tell me your pathetic painting is more important than the 200+ lives that have been extinguished by terrorism? This year is already breaking global temperature records, and this time it is for 14 months in a row, the longest ever recorded stretch of perpetually increasing temperature, this has lead to the near extinction of many species and you think a fucking painting is more important than the future of our planet, and you want to argue more of your short sighted closed minded bullshit at me? Fuck off you muppet.
Yes and there is another peaceful religion that take little happy plains and goes in the other side of the world and throw a few democracy pills(bombs). People die, kids die, but nevermind. Oh, about kids. Funny how bombs and missiles kill dozens of innocent kids and then you see live on BBC, doctors around ONE child in a super new, super modern, super top hospital, trying to offer that child medical care. A child that will have to live with one eye, or one leg, or no arms. We have to show how good people we are. Right? Hypocrites. You created terrorism in the first place.
I like how you avoided the part of my post where I was asking you, if you are not watching sports, arts, you don’t take part in discussions in your community for small local matters, simple things like local elections for the next mayor, because the world’s major problems are still there, unsolved. You avoided that because logic says that you can have an opinion for many things at the same time. Asking for the marbles to come back to Greece, doesn’t mean that you don’t help Syrian refugees at the same time that British try to hide behind the English Channel. Doesn’t mean that you don’t care for hunger, war, terrorism, global warming. But you insist, your whole f stupid argument is that, if someone asks what it was stolen from him back, he doesn’t care about other matters in the world. Argument. This is not an argument. This is stupid and you know it. Maybe you are trolling? Hope so. You can’t be so stupid.
As for those 200+ lives. If you where opening your eyes, if you where changing the f approved from your government channel, you would know that 200+ people die in a week in Iraq. Iraqi people are HUMANS in case you have forgotten that. You will not see western media putting photos of the victims in a bomb attack in Baghdad on the screen, no talks about their ages, lives, dreams. No pictures of their relatives crying. But they are still human. But YOU, the big open minded person that cares about the BIG problems of this world, you DON’T GIVE A S…!