Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch Up For AT&T Pre-Order – $299
If you’re in the USA and the thought of getting Samsung’s latest smartwatch interests you then you’ll be pleased to know that AT&T are now accepting pre-orders on the Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch. AT&T made the official announcement on Twitter:
“Receive texts on your wrist? Yes, please. @SamsungMobileUS #GalaxyGear pre-orders start tomorrow.“
Samsung’s Galaxy Gear is certainly an interesting piece – designed to be a mini Android smartphone companion for your wrist that can answer calls, receive texts and much more. Samsung have designed the Galaxy Gear smartwatch to pair up with the Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy S4 and other high-end smartphones.
The AT&T price for such a gadget isn’t that cheap though – $299 is the price to pay to get your hands on the Galaxy Gear. Check out all the details here on the AT&T website.
Image courtesy of Samsung/TechSpot