Sapphire to Bring Back its TOXIC and ATOMIC GPU Series?

It is certainly nothing new to see that, over years of development, graphics card AIB partners do occasionally tend to somewhat quietly drop certain brands and product lines. It seems, however, that following a report via Videocardz, Sapphire may be set to re-introduce some names we haven’t seen for a very long time. Specifically, the TOXIC and ATOMIC series of GPUs.
Sapphire TOXIC/ATOMIC GPU Series
Following an official post on their Weibo (Chinese) social media account, Sapphire has posted the teaser image below. Now, while this is clearly open to a lot of different interpretations, the overwhelming feeling from the community is that with an announcement set to happen in 5 days’ time, and the inclusion of the ‘TA’, they might be planning to bring back both their TOXIC and ATOMIC series of graphics cards. Specifically for some kind of AMD Radeon 6000 product.
Now, just to put this into context, the last Sapphire GPU carrying the ‘TOXIC’ branding was the AMD 390X which was released in 2015. The ATOMIC name, however, has been out of circulation even longer with it last used in 2013.

What Do We Think?
Admittedly, this is just speculation and we won’t know for certain if this is happening until the end of next week. More so, with this currently only being posted on their Chinese social media platform, it’s a strong possibility that this branding may remain exclusive to Asia. This isn’t, incidentally, uncommon at all with many AIB partners often choosing to solely release graphics card variants in that sole market.
If this does see a more widespread release, however, then it’ll be interesting to see what designs Sapphire has come up with. Particularly in regards to the TOXIC series which, despite the naming, had some pretty nice looking GPUs under that branding.
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!