Florida Sheriff Said He Would Arrest Apple CEO Tim Cook
This feud between Apple and the FBI is definitely drawing a lot of attention all over the world, and while plenty of influential people such as Edward Snowden and even Barack Obama have voiced their opinions on the issue, it looks like we still have a bit of waiting time ahead of us before a conclusion will be reached. It is worth mentioning that the government has managed to obtain a court order under the All Writs Act, which would force Apple to create a special iOS firmware in order to remove the passcode on a seized iPhone 5C. Even though most people are on Apple’s side of the argument, there are some people out there that think that the company should comply with the FBI’s request.
During a recent press conference, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, described an unrelated murder case that involved suspects taking photos of their victim using iPhones, and when he was asked about Apple’s refusal to help the government in this controversial case, he said that he would actually lock up CEO Tim Cook if a judge gave him permission to do so. His exact words were the following:
“The CEO of Apple needs to know he’s not above the law, and neither is anybody else in the United States. But believe you me, if I get a toehold in this county and I can get the state attorney’s office to prosecute, and a judge to back us up with it, I’ll lock the rascal up.”
Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, I guess.