Super Mario Maker 2 Level is Somehow Turned into a Calculator

If you have ever played Super Mario Maker (or at least seen some videos on YouTube) you will know that the community is very creative at finding interesting ways to make the game’s mechanics do something more than a little unusual. In the original game, for example, it was very popular to use specific item combinations to (somehow) play elaborate musical tunes.
With the recent release of Super Mario Maker 2 and the additional items it provides, however, this has allowed a fresh wave of creativity in people. Specifically, those looking to find far more interesting things to do than to build some Mario level!
Following the release of a video on YouTube, German player Helgefan (which I hope doesn’t translate into anything unfortunate) has created a fully working calculator. One that is capable of giving you an answer, in-game, to some relatively complex numbers.
Super Mario Maker 2 Level Shows Fully Working Calculator
Now, I’m not for one second going to pretend (with detail) that I understand how this works. Presumably, however, your initial two selection of numbers, followed by whether you add or multiply these, sets in motion a chain of events that (again, somehow) provides you with your answer! – Again, I wouldn’t even begin to pretend that I understood how this worked.
This even goes as far as negative figures as shown in the image below. The original formula, incidentally, was 0 – 6 which is, of course, negative 6.

What Do We Think?
As above, we have absolutely no idea how this was achieved. What is clear, however, is that a hell of a lot of work went into designing this. When you consider just how many numerical answers could potentially be produced, it’s actually nothing short of amazing. This isn’t, incidentally, the first time that a calculator has been created in Mario Maker. It is, however, without a doubt one of the most complex to date. Helfegen, whoever you are, we salute you!
Incidentally, if you want to play the level the code is – C81-8H4-RGG
What do you think? Are you impressed by this level? What’s the most amazing thing you have ever seen in Mario Maker? – Let us know in the comments!