Remember the NES Classic Double Dragon? There’s a New Game Coming!
In a tale of “games we didn’t expect to hear about ever again” Double Dragon is about to get another entry in the series. That means the Lee brothers are out to kick some ass once again, and Arc System Works has taken care of the game’s development.
Double Dragon IV is set to be a direct sequel to Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones, and takes the game back to the 8-bit days, with a gorgeous retro art style, by which I mean the graphics are every bit as crap as they used to be, and we love it. You’ll find a single-player storyline, local co-op, battle mode, challenge tower, playable bosses and more!
“The next entry in the side-scrolling action game series Double Dragon is finally here! The story picks up after the elimination of the Black Warriors in Double Dragon II!”
So when can you get your hands on this lovely new game? January 30th this year! It’ll be hitting PlayStation 4 and PC (Steam), so be sure not to miss it! No word on pricing at the moment, but with two days to wait, we’re sure that will be revealed soon enough.