Sapphire launches a couple of HD 7950s
Along with many other manufacturers Sapphire has launched a couple of HD 7950 cards. They consist of two designs that both are visually non reference. The single fan base model features reference clock speeds, PCB and cooler but the outer plastic casing is of a different design. The dual fan model is factory overclocked to 900MHz on the core but they both stick to the reference 5GHz on the 3GBs of GDDR5 memory. The base-model features a simple single-fan heatsink without heat pipes, while the OC model uses a more complex aluminum fin-array heatsink to which heat is fed by copper heat pipes, ventilated by two fans. Interestingly, Sapphire did not release an standard AMD reference design model. The base model is expected to be priced at $449, and the OC model about $20 more.