State Of Decay Game Banned In Australia
On the back of Australia banning the unreleased Saints Row 4 from being sold, the same thing has happened to the game State of Decay by Undead Labs. The Australian Classification Board has said that the issue lays with the use of mediciations such as “methadone, morphine, amphetamines, stimulants, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, codeine, aspirin, ‘trucker pills,’ painkillers and tussin”. Due to this the game will not recieved a legal Australian classification and will be banned from sale.
However, Undead Labs have stated that they are determined to change the game to get it reevaluated so it will pass Australian certification as an 18+ game. They expect they can get around the ban by modifying drug names and perhaps changing the way drugs are used in the game. Apparently Fallout 3 had similar problems with drug use in the Australian market but got around this with changing names and descriptions of certain drugs.
Undead Labs are currently working on an open sandbox version of their game so gamers can continue to play after the single player is completed which lasts approximately 15-25 hours depending on your play style. The game was released on June 5th 2013 for Xbox 360 and is currently coming to PC “Soon” but no release date has been provided.
Image courtesy of Undead Labs
Well, that sucks..