Ravaged Demo Now Available On Steam
Following Ravaged’s successful, critically-acclaimed launch, 2 Dawn Games’ has made the demo – now including two gameplay modes and a second map – free and available for everyone to play. Download the demo now from Steam HERE.
2 Dawn Games also updated the retail and the demo versions of Ravaged with key community-driven features, including:
- Dedicated server files now available for players and clans to host their own games
- Improved browser filter options added
- Quick Match has been added (for joining the best server)
- The Liberty map has been added to the demo
- The demo now includes two modes: Capture the Resources (Canyon) and Thrust (Liberty)
- Additional protection has been provided to re-spawning players, including 1) When in the main base, re-spawning players get 15 seconds of “god mode”; 2) There is no protection when main base is final target for opposing team in Thrust
- Weapon-based vehicles are more balanced
- The harpoon, crossbow and rocket truck artillery have been balanced
- The minimum votes for kicking has been adjusted
- “Spectate” button has been moved
- Selected weapon highlighting has been fixed
- Performance optimizations
The online multiplayer first-person shooter Ravaged, featuring eight maps and more than 40 vehicles and weapons, is now available for $24.99 on Windows PC from Steam, Rain Digital Games, 2DawnGames, GameStop,Gamers Gate, Origin, and GameFly.
For more information on Ravaged, please visit: Be sure to follow 2 Dawn Games on Twitter and Facebook.