Farming Simulator 19 Sells 1m Copies In Less Than A Month
Farming Simulator 19
I’m going to start by admitting that we have often approached the Farming Simulator series with a sense of mocking bewilderment. I mean, farming in itself is a very noble profession. Given that I live in a highly rural area and have many friends who are farmers. I doubt, however, that after getting home at 11 pm on a wet winters evening, they turn on their computers to simulate animal husbandry.
Despite our occasional humourous turn with the game though, it is incredibly popular. As such, we’re both surprised and not surprised to hear in a report via PCGamesN that in less than 3 weeks since it’s launch, Farming Simulator 19 has already racked up over a million sales!
New Update!
As part of a brand new update, Focus Home Interactive has confirmed that one of the most requested features for the game has now been added. Specifically, landscaping. Yes, you can now look to not only grow your crops but also to shape your environment to suit your needs! A pesky inconvenient hill is no longer an insurmountable mountain!
Where Can I Get It?
You can purchase the game directly from Steam. As luck would have it, it also has a moderate discount thanks to the Winter Sale. You can visit the official store page via the link here!
If you are after a bit of casual gaming fun or perhaps to drive a tractor recklessly, you’ll struggle to do better than Farming Simulator 19!
What do you think? Are you a fan of the franchise? What do you think of the latest game? – Let us know in the comments!