Forza Motorsport Lays Out 2024 Update Plans, Acknowledging Its Issues

Its very clear that Forza Motorsport didn’t quite live up to its expectations, evident in its Mostly Negative Steam review score and in the two reviews of the game from myself and our other writer Peter, where we both did not recommend the game. Now it’s been 3 months since the game launched and whilst it has received a few updates, the reviews still suggest it’s highly flawed, so how is Turn 10 going to handle this in 2024?
Forza Motorsport 2024 Update Plans
An article shared on the 9th, titled “Community Update 3, A Message To The Motorsport Community January 2024” has outlined what the plans are for Forza Motorsport in 2024 which involves a reflection on all of the feedback over the past three months. They state that the they haven’t acknowledged the top three areas of feedback which include the car progression system, the race regulations, and the AI.
Starting with Car Progression which I found to be too much of a grind for the average player and a bit restrictive at times. Turn 10 will be exploring the feedback on this system to retain what is working but fix what isn’t. Progression is a tough one to balance out as some people just straight up hate the new system whereas others like myself like it and can see a solid foundation with a flawed execution.

Race Regulations
Race regulations have been a common complaint with many people receiving unfair penalties or inconsistent penalties. In my time playing I noticed this a lot most notably not receiving penalties for crashing into other cars but getting them for driving off track just a little or even for when AI drivers hit me. To fix this Turn 10 will be working with competitive Motorsport players to gather direct telemetry from them and feeding data to the team hopefully leading to some big improvements to race regulations.
The AI in the game is quite bad and really do just appear to not have a single rational thought in their heads, its the age of AI so how this got screwed up is beyond me. The AI simply drives by following a path with no concept of an obstruction. I tested this by stopping on the racing line and watched as I got rear ended repeatedly as the AI had no idea how to pass me. There are many other issues as well but the AI will take a priority into 2024 to ensure a more enjoyable racing experience without getting rammed, if I wanted that I’d just play online.
My next Game Pass stint will likely be when Mods are released for Cities Skylines 2, maybe I can fit a bit more Forza in around then as well.