Gamer Waits in Queue for Game24 Event and Receives Amazing Prize
With the Nvidia GAME24 event kicking off all around the world, something magical has happened for one lucky gamer in Stockholm, Sweden. Much like anticipating fans of the new iPhone 6 have been doing, he decided to queue for the event which starts later on tonight. The staff at Nvidia noticed this, especially as winter is drawing closer and he has a whopping 13+ hours to wait.
Nvidia took the above picture and uploaded it to the Nvidia United Kingdom official Facebook page with the following caption:
“Meet the first person in our #GAME24 queue in Stockholm, ready for tonight’s event! We LOVE this dedication. To make sure he survives the 13+ hour wait, we’ll fill him up with some snacks during the day”
On top of this, we’ve had a word with Jen Andersson; PR Manager Northern Europe, who told us the following:
“We absolutely LOVE our fans and this shows true dedication. To wait for over 13 hours for the love of PC gaming is truly incredible. Thankfully, the sun is shining and together with a GeForce GTX 980, he’ll feel that it was worth the wait, I’m sure!”
At the time of writing this, the beloved fan has no idea that a brand spanking new GeForce GTX 980 will be landing in his lap later on today, but we can already tell that he will be overjoyed. If you know him, maybe keep quiet as to not ruin the surprise for him.
Nvidia are clearly pulling out all of the stops for this launch, as some industry pals of mine have already won various prizes including GTX 980’s and a Nvidia Shield gaming tablet at the California event several hours ago.
Have you ever queued for anything as long as this guy, and been rewarded for it? Let us know in the comments below.
Lucky :D
I love it when companies do things like this it shows they do care about the fans and not just the money, ok this sort of thing also helps greatly with the PR side of things but it is still always really nice to see :)
i queue for archeage for 5h to play 20min. can i win something aswell?!
Why? That game is like a 6/10..
while there’s nothing better out will stick with it xD
HAHAHAHA. God those queues are horrible. I logged in at 9 in the morning and still had a 1 hour queue. When I try to log in after work, around 6, I’ll have a 6+ hours queue and I can forget about playing.
today i got up ealier to put it in queue.. i got insta IN, i went for a nap of 45min,,, when i return i was disconnected to the servers choosing… THE HELL… now 2000 at queue ..
I queued for 13 hours. I’m hoping for a free patron upgrade, hahaha.
I sat outside of a show that was showing the release of the new R9 290x card for 23hrs and 12 minutes, some of that reason was because my brother forgot to get us a hotel before we left and couldn’t get one while there lol.