Apple releases a large patch to fix OS X Lion
Apple are notoriously famous for denying any issues with their operating system and most recently they have been denying any problems with the new Mac OS X Lion. However, they have released a patch for it which has fixed the well known problems associated with the new OS X Lion. The main fix is for a problem which causes the system to hang when watching a video in Safari and to stop the audio from breaking when using HDMI or optical audio out.
Apparently, bad WiFi, data migration problems (between older and current Lion OS X versions) and adminstrator account problems have all been fixed by this patch as well. For the MacBook Air Apple has brought in the same update for these except with an added update which fixes a problem that caused the Air to boot up when the MagSafe connector was attached and another related to flickering displays. The Mac mini also got a fix for a problem that caused the SD card slot to operate at reduced speeds. Speed problems which many users have been complaining about didn’t get a mention in this update.
The newly released MacBook Air and Mac Mini 2011 which were launched side-by-side with Lion were the only Macs to get the big 68MB Update. Everything else got a simple 17MB update to address the issues you listed. Wouldn't really call it a "large" Patch fix.