Artist Paints Incredible Picture Of Morgan Freeman On iPad Air
I don’t normally swing for this kind of news story, but I was just too impressed not to share this one with the world. The picture you see above is not a photo of Morgan Freeman, but is actually the work of Kyle Lambert. The digital portrait was created by handed on the Apple iPad air and while it’s a great way for the artist to show off his abilities, it’s also a testament to the iPad airs touch screen display.
Using an app called “Procreate”, Kyle Lambert finger-painted the image of a period of 200 hours, using 285,000 brush strokes to end up with the result we see in the video below.
Speaking to ninemsn, he said: “I’ve found with past videos people are more engaged when the subject is familiar to them. I think I must have been watching the movie Oblivion when the idea of Morgan Freeman came to mind.”
I can’t paint a convincing tree let alone a photo-realistic face, but Lambert has created many pictures of famous faces similar to this one, so he has had plenty of practice.
[youtube][/youtube]Thank you Metro for providing us with this information.
Image courtesy of Metro.
This is a photo, and it always was. Sorry for all you ppl thinking of this as a magnificent art piece.
Skillfully as it is, the video of this painting is nothing but a reverse order maniputation of a photography of Morgan freeman. Skillfully, yes. Painting no.