Spyro Reignited Trilogy Releases Launch Trailer
Spyro Reignited Trilogy Releases Launch Trailer
Back in August, the Spyro Reignited Trilogy was nearly set to launch. There were, however, more than a few concerns surrounding the state in which it was coming. It was found that the physical copies of the game were set to only actually include 1 game on the disc. Yes, a trilogy with only 1 game. Oh, you would get all three games. The other 2, however, would have to be downloaded.
It was, therefore, probably a good idea that the game was delayed. A theory I had at the time was that the game (as a trilogy) wasn’t finished. As such, the physical release of just 1 game gave them time to try and finish off the other two. A disturbing, but not entirely unbelievable situation.
Well, with the release date approaching, Activision has released the official launch trailer for the game and we must say, it’s looking pretty decent! Just as a point of clarity, despite the name ‘launch trailer’, it isn’t actually out yet.
When Is It Out?
Spyro Reignited Trilogy will release for Xbox One and PS4 on November 13th. Although a PC version hasn’t been announced, yet, one will surely come in the very near future. With the game looking a great option for those either new or old-hats at the franchise, this is undoubtedly going to be very popular leading up into the Christmas season.
What do you think? Planning on getting the Spyro Trilogy? Were you concerned about the initial 1 game issue? – Let us know in the comments!