Official Next-Gen Xbox Name, Design And Controller Revealed
The next gen console race is now officially in full swing as Microsoft reveals the Xbox successor the “Xbox One”
Microsoft got off straight on their usual form with a montage video, like a cheesy infomercial format that only large corporations seem able to make happen, but such is the world of business.
“you and your TV are going to have a relationship” – Microsoft
Don Mattrick took to the stage first to talk about the success of Xbox and the Xbox 360, including Xbox live, Kinect and pretty much everything we’ve been using from Xbox over the last 8 years.
Don went onto discussing the future of Xbox and how Microsoft were inspired to create their future platform as an “All in One System”.
Then we had a run down video of the consoles design, as well as the controller and new connect device.
It seem many of the leaks were miles off the mark and some were bang on right, but no one guessed the name, no one guessed these features and well… I’m impressed and I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting to be anywhere near as impressed as I am.
cools very boring…..
Looks like a gen 3 TiVo