Resident Evil 3 Cashes in on Self-Isolation!

With us all being advised to stay at home (for what is starting to feel like forever) the Resident Evil 3 remake was one of the first major gaming releases that was going to test exactly how we spent our time in self-isolation. Based on the initial sales figures, however, it seems that the Coronavirus may have had a positive effect on this game. Why? Well, if the sales figures are correct, it seems that the game has proven to be a huge hit for Capcom.
Resident Evil 3 Remake has sold in 2m units after 5 days, of which nearly 50% of sales were via digital download
— Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) April 13, 2020
The original RE3 sold 3.5m units total
RE2R first shipment was 3m units, now 6.5m total
RE7 first shipment was 2.5m units, now 7.0m total
Resident Evil 3
Following a post on Twitter by the user “Daniel Ahmad“, Resident Evil 3 has reportedly sold over 2.5m unit in just its first 5 days. Based on comparative figures from the Resident Evil franchise, this would suggest that the game is set to be one of their biggest hits from the franchise in recent memory.
In fact, the sales figures are so high that, within the next few days, the sales of the remake will likely exceed the lifetime of the original game!
What Do We Think?
Having played (and completed) Resident Evil 3, I have to say that by, and large, I loved it! Yes, it’s a little confusing at times and yes, the campaign is short. For an action-packed bit of disposable gaming, however, it gets a huge thumbs up from me. The less said about the ‘Resistance’ multiplayer game (which was bundled with it), however, the better. Put simply, RE3 is great (but short). Resistance, however, is just crap!
If you are, therefore, tempted to get a copy of Resident Evil 3 yourself, my advice would be to possibly wait for a sale. It’s good, but the play length doesn’t warrant the full price! The good news in that regard, however, is that one website already is offering it at a discounted rate. So, to learn more about that, you can check the link here!
What do you think? Have you played Resident Evil 3? If so, what are your thoughts on it? – Let us know in the comments!