Cooler Master Extends Deadline for Case Mod World Series
More Time to Mod for #CMWS18
Good news for modders who are joining Cooler Master‘s Case Mod World Series 2018. The deadline for submissions has been extended, allowing for more users to complete and submit their entry. ear after year, the event attracts the best case modders worldwide. Moreover, no other event introduces more new artists and modders into the public as well. As usual, there is a large cache of hardware to be won. Plus, the respect of artists worldwide of course.
Originally, the actual final and completed Cooler Master case mod submission deadline is May 1st, 2018. That is regardless of category. Which gives entrants at least two months to prepare and create their casemod. However, now it has changed.
What is Updated Time Line for #CMWS18?
Interested modders can now submit from May 15 to July 15, 2018. That is an extra two months during the summer. Voting and judging period now starts on July 24 until August 7, with the winner announcement on August 21. Although this means we won’t see any of the winning entries at Computex 2018, it means there are more entries which qualify. Plus, the quality of entries is also going to be better due to the extra time.
To check out the progress of the submissions so far, visit On social media, you can also use the hashtag #CMWS18 to search for entrants photos.